onsdag 30. april 2014

Council for Evidence Based Medisine (CEP) ønsker debatt

Council for Evidence Based Medisine (CEP) i UK har i dag, 30.april 2014, lansert publikasjonen Unrecognised Facts about Modern Psychiatric Practice for The House of Lords. CEP ønsker å starte en debatt i England om bruken av psykofarmaka. (1) I denne forbindelse har også Peter Gøtsche, som er tilknyttet CEP og som er leder av The Nordic Cochrane Institute, skrevet en artikkel for the Guardian. (2) 

I Norge snakkes det mye om arbeid og psykisk helse. Forskningen som viser en økning i bruk av psykofarmaka for personer med psykisk uhelse og økt uførhet hos samme gruppe burde absolutt interessere i denne sammenheng.  


"While there has been a 24% drop in claimants for physical health conditions the data indicates that the current paradigm of psychiatric care, which centres on drug treatments, isn’t enabling people to get back to work. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that the increasing long-term use of psychiatric drugs may itself be contributing to the problem. This striking increase in mental health disability is mirrored in other developed nations, and the rises predate the recent financial crisis. For example in the US it has been calculated that there were around 4 million mentally ill recipients of disability payments in 2007, up from 1.25 million in 1987. Similar increases have been identified in other countries." (1)




1) Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry launches today with data showing dramatic rise in mental health disability 



2) Psychiatric drugs are doing us more harm than good


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